Survey from scratch

If you can't find a template that suits you, you can create a survey yourself: figure out the structure, define the types of questions, and configure their display logic.

  1. Step 1. Set up the survey
  2. Step 2. Select the distribution method
  3. Step 3. Create and set up pages
  4. Step 4. Create questions and fields
  5. Step 5. Publish the survey
  6. Step 6. Complete the survey
  7. Problems and their resolution

Step 1. Set up the survey

  1. If necessary, change the survey name.
  2. Enter the URL of the page that the respondent is taken to when they complete the survey. If you leave this field empty, the respondent will remain on the thank you page.
  3. To integrate your survey with Yandex.Metrica, enter the tag number.
  4. Click Build a survey.

Step 2. Select the distribution method

Specify how you would like to distribute the survey. Click Build a survey.

Step 3. Create and set up pages

To add a new survey page, clickin the top-left corner. The number of pages is unlimited. To navigate pages, use the numerical scale at the top.

Using the Preview pages buttonYou can use see all your pages on one screen and reorder them.

To set up a page, clickin the top-right corner. You can:

  • Rename the Next button.
  • Set the display criteria. For example, you can enable page display only for specific groups of users. The display criteria for survey pages and for questions follow the same logic.
  • Enable random order of questions. You can reorder any questions except the text sections.
  • Delete the survey page. To do this, clickin the upper-right corner.
Note. To create a title, add a text block to the page. You can place an image or a video clip to a text block to attract user attention.

Step 4. Create questions and fields

To create questions and text fields, use the buttons on the left.

To copy a question, clickin the upper-right corner to delete —.

You can move questions around the page or move them between pages. To do this:
  • Click on the question section and drag it to where you want it on the page.
  • Click on the question section and drag it to the numerical scale with the desired page number. A list with page numbers is in the upper part of the screen.

Different settings are available for different types of questions.

Button Value and settings

Add text

Lets you insert text, images, links, and videos. To learn more about the survey design, see the table.


A question where users can choose multiple response options. You can also enable random order of responses and add the options “Other”, “None of the above”, and “I'm not sure”.

Rating with stars

A question where the response is given in the form of of stars (a maximum of 10).

Rating on numeric scale

A question where the answer is a number. You set the scale range yourself. You can add the “I'm not sure” option and captions to the scale.

Rating with emojis

A question where the answer is an emoji. You can add the “I'm not sure” option.

The field for entering an email address

Field for entering numbers

You can set the minimum and maximum values.

A field for a short response written in a free format

A field for a detailed response written in a free format

Comparison between two images

You can add the “None of the above” and “I'm not sure” options.

The field for entering a postal address
Button Value and settings

Add text

Lets you insert text, images, links, and videos. To learn more about the survey design, see the table.


A question where users can choose multiple response options. You can also enable random order of responses and add the options “Other”, “None of the above”, and “I'm not sure”.

Rating with stars

A question where the response is given in the form of of stars (a maximum of 10).

Rating on numeric scale

A question where the answer is a number. You set the scale range yourself. You can add the “I'm not sure” option and captions to the scale.

Rating with emojis

A question where the answer is an emoji. You can add the “I'm not sure” option.

The field for entering an email address

Field for entering numbers

You can set the minimum and maximum values.

A field for a short response written in a free format

A field for a detailed response written in a free format

Comparison between two images

You can add the “None of the above” and “I'm not sure” options.

The field for entering a postal address

You can mark up your question in the Section text window.

Settings How to use
Font size
  • Select the text and change the font usingand
  • Add the # characters at the beginning of the text (large font — # , medium font — ## , small font — ### )
  • Select the text and click
  • Add ** both at the beginning and at the end of the text
  • Select the text and click
  • Add * both at the beginning and at the end of the text
  • Select the text and click
  • Add > at the beginning of the text
Inserting links
Selectand paste the link:
  • With a hint: [Link Name]( / "Hint text")
  • Without a hint: [Link Name]( /)
Inserting images Select

Image requirements:

  • Up to 5 MB
  • PNG or JPEG
Inserting a video Add a link to a YouTube video.
  • You can't use videos with restricted access.
  • The Allow embedded video option must be enabled for your videos.

Acceptable link formats

Settings How to use
Font size
  • Select the text and change the font usingand
  • Add the # characters at the beginning of the text (large font — # , medium font — ## , small font — ### )
  • Select the text and click
  • Add ** both at the beginning and at the end of the text
  • Select the text and click
  • Add * both at the beginning and at the end of the text
  • Select the text and click
  • Add > at the beginning of the text
Inserting links
Selectand paste the link:
  • With a hint: [Link Name]( / "Hint text")
  • Without a hint: [Link Name]( /)
Inserting images Select

Image requirements:

  • Up to 5 MB
  • PNG or JPEG
Inserting a video Add a link to a YouTube video.
  • You can't use videos with restricted access.
  • The Allow embedded video option must be enabled for your videos.

Acceptable link formats

Step 5. Publish the survey

To copy the survey URL, click Link to survey. Send the link to your customers or publish it on your site.

To place the survey on the site, install its code. Change the parameters according to the comments in the code.

Survey code
<div class="survey-iframe">
        .survey-iframe {
            display: none;

            position: fixed;
            bottom: 16px;
            right: 16px;

            width: 490px;
            height: 410px;

            overflow: hidden;

            z-index: 1000;

            border-radius: 4px;
            box-shadow: 0 8px 22px rgba(0,0,0,.1);

        .survey-iframe__iframe {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;

            border: 0;

        .survey-iframe__close {
            position: absolute;

            top: 24px;
            right: 24px;

            width: 20px;
            height: 20px;

            cursor: pointer;

        .survey-iframe__close::after {
            position: absolute;

            left: 9px;

            display: block;

            width: 2px;
            height: 100%;

            content: '';

            background-color: #000;

        .survey-iframe__close::before {
            transform: rotate(-45deg);

        .survey-iframe__close::after {
            transform: rotate(45deg);

    <!|||UNTRANSLATED_CONTENT_START|||-- В интерфейсе Взгляда скопируйте ссылку на опрос, возьмите в ней часть после и вставьте вместо ID  -->
    <iframe class="survey-iframe__iframe" src=""></iframe>
    <div class="survey-iframe__close"></div>
    (function () {
        var showSurvey = function () {
            var iframe = document.querySelector('.survey-iframe');
   = 'block';
        var hideSurvey = function () {
            var iframe = document.querySelector('.survey-iframe');
   = 'none';

        var close = document.querySelector('.survey-iframe__close');
        close.addEventListener('click', hideSurvey);

        // Можно настроить показ опроса по таймеру
        var timeout = 10000; // Задайте время, после которого хотите показать пользователю опрос (в миллисекундах)
        setTimeout(showSurvey, timeout);

        // Или показать опрос по клику на элемент страницы
        var element = document.querySelector('.element'); // Задайте селектор элемента, по клику на который должен открываться опрос
        element.addEventListener('click', showSurvey);

Step 6. Complete the survey

It's for you to decide how long the survey should take and how many respondents should participate.

To complete the survey, on the My surveys page, clicknext to the desired survey and select Finish.

Problems and their resolution

What do I do if I have submitted a survey for moderation by mistake?
Open the survey, go to the Survey on moderation section, and click Stop moderation.